University of Southern California

Family Medicine Contact Information


Family Medicine Clerkship Office Hours 8:30a.m.-4:00p.m. Monday thru Friday

Family Medicine Clerkship

USC Keck School of Medicine

1975 Zonal Ave., KAM B33

Los Angeles, CA 90089

Tel: (323) 323-442-1325

Fax: (323) 323-442-3332

Kathleen Jacobson, MD, Family Medicine Clerkship Director

(323) 442-1325

Anne Walsh, PA-C, MMSc, DFAAPA, Medical Student Educator, Family Medicine Clerkship

(323) 442-1325

Lucy Hernandez, Family Medicine Clerkship Coordinator

(323) 442-1325

Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG)

The FMIG or Family Medicine Interest Group is a student group on the KSOM campus which advocates for family medicine and allows interested students to explore a career in family medicine. Members are acquainted with various family medicine faculty and physicians from the community and KSOM through lectures, panels and workshops. Furthermore, many students express interest in a particular facet of family medicine such as obstetrics, sports medicine, teen health, etc. The FMIG gives the students an opportunity to explore these options through community service opportunities, mentorship opportunities and networking with FM residencies.

For more information about USC-FMIG contact us at-